Mara Jade

Mara was born on April 22. She has changed our lives forever. She is our beautiful bundle of joy. Everyday she makes us see what life is all about. We just look at each other and know how much love we all share!

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Family Christmas Party

Since part of my family is here, we decided to have an early Christmas Dinner.

We spent the whole day around the house decorating for Christmas! My sister, Jennifer, had the tree up before Jason and I got out of bed this morning. So, the girls decorated the tree.

We had lasagna for dinner and then we opened gifts.

I had a pretty relaxing day, Jason on the other hand had a long - hard day. He helped our friend Scott and Laura get moved into their new places. Scott moved back into his Mom's so he could finish school and start a new job, an apprencticeship program. While Laura moved out on her own w/a friend. He thought he would only be gone an h our or two, but ended up being gone all day!

By the time we had dinner, Mara was ready for bed, so she missed the festivities. Oh well, Santa will be here soon!

(Picture: Amara opening her Finding Nemo)


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