Mara Jade

Mara was born on April 22. She has changed our lives forever. She is our beautiful bundle of joy. Everyday she makes us see what life is all about. We just look at each other and know how much love we all share!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Hi Everyone,

Things around our household have been so busy and hectic. I sometimes don't what day it is, what time it is or what I am doing? I've always been told when you have a baby, you sometimes find that you hardly have time to take a shower. Or is it, that when you do take a shower you are constantly wandering/worrying about the baby. How is she? Is she crying? So, you hurry up, wash, rinse off and get and check on her, only to find her okay and she hasn't even missed you while your gone!

I love my little girl, with each new day she does something amazing! She is now 6 months old, rolling over and talking so much! We bought some Baby Einstein DVD's and she loves to watch them, at certain parts she starts kicking her legs and arms all over. Especially in the beginning where the catapillar comes on the screen. Sometimes, she just grunts and other times she just laughs.

For the last month we have had my parents visiting. So, it's been nice to see her interact with them. Tomorrow my Mom will go back to Ohio and my Dad will stay here, hopefully he will find some work. Last year he was able to work for a couple of months while he was here.

Last night was Mara's First Halloween and we had her all dressed up as.....PRINCESS LEIA! We took her to our old apt complex to go Trick or Treating, by the time we got her out and set up in the stroller she was passed OUT. We were able to put her back in the carseat and head home. She didn't even wake up. So, her First Halloween she slept through and we didn't even have ONE trick or treater!!!

Tonight was a busy night, I FINALLY found time to sit down and go through Mara's 3 month pictures and pictures from her Baptism. I got them all addressed, stamped and ready to go in the mail tomorrow. This makes me very happy, considering I just got her 6 month pictures back today. So, this weekend I will have to make more time to get those in the mail, so when Thanksgiving rolls around I can get the Christmas cards w/the family pics in them.

Speaking of Christmas, we are almost done with our shopping. Just a few more things to pick up. But, my big decision is if I want to do a "family" letter w/our Christmas cards or not. I've never done one, we get them from a couple family members every year and they are very interesting, but I'm not sure if I want to do one. Jason says to do what I want, but not too sure! I guess we'll have to see if I can come up with some more time or not.

Well, I've had Mara out of daycare for a little over a week now. My Mom leaves tomorrow and I knew she really wanted to spend some time w/her so I decided to leave her out. But tomorrow she will return. I only take her for about 4 hours a day. It's nice for me to get some errands done and go to the office for a little while. It's also nice because I get to spend so much time with her. While my Mom was visiting she noticed that Mara is getting really attached to "Mommy". Sometimes when I'm playing w/her and get up to do something or if I walk by her, she gets so upset. I've noticed if I say "goodbye" to her and tell her "Mommy will be right back" she gets so fussy and won't stop until I pick her up. It's so nice to know she misses me, but at the same time I feel bad that she sometimes won't go to anyone else.

Well, I guess I've rambled on long enough. Here are some pictures of Mara. Hope you all enjoy them!


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